Matthew discusses Oakland’s Domain Awareness Center
Matthew talks about the Senate CIA Torture Report
Matthew discusses NSA reform
Matthew addresses the Berkeley City Counsel about police drones
Matthew is interviewed on the Black Agenda Report
Matthew discusses Oakland’s Domain Awareness Center
Matthew Kellegrew, Bill of Rights Defense Committee. Oakland, California is in the process of building a multi-million dollar intelligence hub - that officials say will be used for public safety. But what's the real story here - and why are city officials talking with Google executives about that intelligence hub?
Matthew talks about the Senate CIA Torture Report
The CIA and the Senate Intelligence Committee have been squaring off over claims that the CIA improperly searched a special computer network used by the committee. Staffers were using the network to investigate allegations of CIA abuse in a controversial George W. Bush-era detention and interrogation program.
Matthew discusses NSA reform
President Barack Obama announced sweeping reforms to the way the National Security Agency collects digital information in a speech at the Justice Department on Friday. The proposed changes include more oversight by the Executive Branch, reworking national security letters that force private companies to turn over customers' information to the NSA and an end to Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which allows for bulk metadata collection.
Matthew addresses the Berkeley City Counsel about police drones
On April 29, 2014, BORDC's Matthew Kellegrew issued a powerful argument to the Berkeley City Council to ban police drones.
Matthew is interviewed on the Black Agenda Report